Download Aktivin

Aktivin is available in both App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android).

Tap on below button to be redirected to each store.

Q : What if my phone cannot download Aktivin?

Android : You can download and install Aktivin from external source by using .apk file. Kindly click this link to download.


Option 1 : Login with Google, Facebook

We'll be getting your profile picture, full name and email if you're using Google or Facebook login. Any other information will NOT be retrieved.

Option 2 : Login with Community ID

This option will apply only for selected programs.
If your program is using Community ID system, you can login to your Community account by choosing "Login with Community ID" option. Kindly fill in the login information that we've sent to you via email.

Q : What is the difference between password dengan static password?

Password is used to get inside your account. You can use static password if you lost / forgot your login credential. You may need a dynamic password which can be produced by program PIC or you can contact Aktivin Customer Service to get this password generated to you.

Activity Submission

Daily Step Count

Aktivin has a step counting feature which makes use of hardware inside user's smartphone.

Our step counting feature has the same mechanism as Google Fit in Android phones or Apple Health in iOS.
However, this feature may not be working on some phones like Samsung phones. If you use Samsung phone, you can use Samsung's step counting app (Samsung Health) or wearables (if any) and submit your daily step count manually in Aktivin app by uploading the screenshot.

Other Activities

1.1. Strava synchronization

Steps for connecting Strava to Aktivin:
1. Press the Settings button or the Gear icon at the top right of the main page of the Aktivin application.
2. Press "Connect App / Device (ID)” or "Connect App / Wearables” (ENG).
3. Press the Strava logo column
4. Login to the Strava account
5. Make sure that the two box columns are checked, then click “Authorize”
6. The ID entry will appear under the Strava logo after successful connection.

Q : I already have activities on Strava but my activities are not appearing. What should I do?

You can press the "Manual Withdraw" button on the main page in order to withdraw all activities from Strava for the last 7 (seven) days.

Some of the reasons why this might happen are:
1. Your activity has been synced;
2. Your activity has been manually added on Strava; and
3. Your pace is faster than the normal or logical pace.

Select the activity that you want to drag to Aktivin and press the "Process Activity" button that is located at the bottom of the screen.

Q : I have wearables. Can I use them?

Of course you can! Connect the wearables directly with Strava, then your data can be connected with Aktivin.

Or follow the instructions below if your device can be connected directly to Aktivin.

1.2. Synchronizing Other Apps / Devices

Steps for connecting Aktivin with other devices:
1. Tap the Settings button or the Gear icon at the top right of the main Aktivin app page.
2. Press "Connect App / Device” (ID) or "Connect App / Wearables” (ENG).
3. Tap the logo of the device that you want to connect to.
4. Follow the link instructions.

Q : I'm used to using other tracker apps. Can I use them?

You are free to use any applications that you commonly use. The synchronization feature has some advantages, namely the ease of integration and the withdrawal of activity data, but if you are comfortable with other tracker applications, then you can use the manual add feature in Aktivin to enter your activity data.

2.1. Automatic Data Retrieval

For Strava and Fitbit, activity data will be automatically pulled by Aktivin every time that you open the Aktivin application.

For Garmin, your activity data will automatically be sent to Aktivin even if you don't open the application.

The data that is sent to Aktivin will be automatically filtered by the Aktivin system.

2.2. Manual Data Retrieval

The steps for withdrawing activities on Aktivin:
1. Open the Aktivin application and click the “Pull Data” button.
2. Press the "Start Data Retrieval" button at the bottom.
3. The activities for the last 7 (seven) days will be uploaded.
4. Press the activity columns that have not been yet uploaded.
5. Activity processed.

The data that appears in this feature may not be able to be pulled if:
1. The pace is faster than the normal or logical pace;
2. The activities are added manually; or
3. The activities have already been entered onto the Aktivin database.

3.1. Add Activity Manually

Steps for manually adding an activity to Aktivin:
1. Open the Aktivin application and click the "+ Manual & Reservation" button.
2. Fill in the form and upload a screenshot of the activity, then click the “Save Activity” button.
3. Your screen capture must have activity information such as: other activities ⎼ distance travelled, duration, map, and date of activity.

Q : Why has my activity on the leaderboard not been updated after submitting an activity?

All of the activities that are manually added to Aktivin will undergo a checking process by our admin to make sure that all data is valid and to check whether any activities have been recorded more than once (duplicates) / conducted simultaneously (overlaps). This process may take a maximum of 24 hours.

Q : What form of activity screenshot is needed as evidence to add activity to Aktivin?

Here are some forms of activity screenshots that are accepted at Aktivin.


You can access your list of activities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Click the "Activity" column at the bottom right of the main page of the app to see all activities from Strava and/or activities that have been manually uploaded to Aktivin.

You can view the activity details, submit a re-evaluation in relation to the admin's decision about an activity (if it is rejected), and/or delete the activities that you have entered.


Click the Leaderboard button on the main page of the Aktivin application.

You can see your achievements as well as those of other users. To see your team’s performance, use the Filter button at the top right of the Leaderboard page.

You can also see the achievements of users in other programmes by going to the Filter feature.

Join Team

Navigate to 'Profile' page by clicking button at bottom page.
Click '>' button, then click '+' button at the top right page, type your team referal code at the popup field, and lastly click 'Verify Invitation Code' button.


You should change the name and profile photo on your account by pressing the Profile button that is located at the bottom right of the main application page.

Click the profile photo column to change your photo or click the Pencil button on the right to change the name of the account profile.

Note: The photo frame ratio that is used is 1:1.


Add your delivery address at Aktivin application by followng these steps:

1. Click settings (gear) icon at top right of Aktivin homepage
2. Click "Shipping Address"
3. Click (+) button at top left page
4. Complete address form
5. Click "Save Address" button at the bottom.