Aktivin app is available in the App Store (iOS) and the Play Store (Android).
Press below button to go directly to the download page from your phone.

Q : What if my cell phone can't download Aktivin?

For Android, you can download and install the Aktivin from an external source (.apk format). Get the Aktivin application externally here.

We also provide Web App version of Aktivin, so you can use Aktivin without downloading the app, but with less features than the app. You can use Aktivin Web App version by clicking here.


Login with Google, Apple ID (for iOS) or Email

Data provided by Google :
Profile picture, full name, and email

Data provided by Apple ID :
Full name and Email (masked)


Q : Where can i get my Aktivin user code to join this event?


You can get your user code by :
1. Logging in to Aktivin Web (
2. At the main dashboard page, you can find your account user code at the top right side.
3. Click copy icon to copy and then paste it to registration field.


You can get your user code by :
1. Logging in to Aktivin App, click Profile button (bottom right side of the screen)
2. Your Aktivin user code is right below your profile picture, name, and email.
3. Click copy button to copy and paste it in the registration form.

Submit Activity

1. Synchronize With Third-Party Service

Web App Aktivin

You can connect Aktivin with third-party services to retrieve your activity data by following below steps.
1. Click 'Settings' button on Web App (
2. Click 'Connected Apps' from the left Panel.
3. Click 'Connect' button on App/Wearables that you want to connect
4. Log in to third party app, and allow Aktivin to access your account.

Notes :
1. Your browser might need permission to produce 'Pop-up Window'. If you turned on browser 'Pop-up Blocker' settings, connection window may not appear, and there will be a warning popup on the top of your browser. Click Allow to open the new tab.
2. For Strava connection, make sure that you already ticked both checklists on 'Authorization' page to allow Aktivin pull data from your Strava account. Failing to tick both checklists will result in Aktivin not being able to pull your data.


Steps to connect Aktivin with third-party service on Aktivin app:
1. Open Aktivin
2. Click 'Settings' button (top right side of the screen)
3. Click 'Connect Apps/Wearables'
4. Choose App/Wearables that you want to connect
5. Log in to third party app, and allow Aktivin to access your account.

Q : I already have activities on Strava but my activities are not appearing in Aktivin. What should I do?

Some of the reasons why this might happen are:
1. Activity has been pulled to Aktivin
2. Activity is manually added to Strava. Aktivin will not take into account any activities being added manually.
3. Activity speed/pace exceeds the limit.
4. Activity has been done in Strava before being connected to Aktivin. 5. Strava connected account is not same (≠) with Strava account used to track activity.

In some cases, activity already pulled to Aktivin but have 'Pending Verification' status.
In this case, users just have to wait for verification process by Aktivin admin, max. 1 x 24 hours (including Public Holidays and/or weekends).
Unless there's violation of the terms and conditions, your activity will be accepted and be counted to event.

Q : I already have activities on Garmin but my activities are not appearing. What should I do?

Garmin has a different synchronization system, which is called Push Synchronization.

Here are steps to synchronize activity data from Garmin to Aktivin :
1. Make sure Aktivin already connected to your Garmin
2. Track your activity with your Garmin wearable.
3. Sync your Garmin wearable to Garmin Connect.
4. Garmin Connect will automatically push your activity data to Aktivin.

Notes :
1. This process may take a while depending on Garmin server connection and/or load.
2. Garmin won't send past activity data before connected to Aktivin. So make sure you connect Garmin before tracking any activities.

Q : I usually use another tracker app not supported by Aktivin yet. Can I use them?

You are free to use any applications that you usually use. The synchronization feature has some advantages, namely the ease of integration and the withdrawal of activity data, but if you are feeling comfortable with other tracker applications, then you can use the "Manual Add Activity" feature in Aktivin to enter your activity data.

2. Pull Activity Data

Web App Aktivin

Here are steps to pull your activity data from Strava using Aktivin Web App :
1. Make sure your Aktivin account is already connected to your Strava account.
2. Click 'Activity' menu on Aktivin Web App (
3. Click 'Sync Strava' button on top right side to pull your activity data from Strava to Aktivin.
4. Click 'Refresh Activity Data' to see if your new activity has been pulled.
If your activity data is not appeared on 'Activity' page after pulling data and refresh your activity data, you can contact CS Aktivin to troubleshoot.

Garmin is using push synchronization feature, meaning that after you finished your activity, you can sync your Garmin wearables to Garmin Connect to push your activity data to Aktivin.


For Strava and Health, activity data will be automatically pulled by Aktivin every time that you open your Aktivin app.

For Garmin, your activity data will automatically be sent to Aktivin even if you don't open the application.

The data that is sent to Aktivin will be filtered out through our system, if we found inconsistency or oddity in your submission/activity, our system will manually assign the verification to one of our admins.

3. Add Activity Manually

Web App

Below are steps to add your activity data manually using Aktivin Web App :
1. Click 'Activities' button on Aktivin Web menu (
2. Click '+ Add New Activity' button and fill the form
3. Complete the form and attach your activity screenshot.
4. Click 'Send' button


Here are steps to manually add your activity using Aktivin App.
1. Open Aktivin App and click 'Add your activity manually' button
2. Complete the form and upload your activity screenshot, then click 'Save Activity' button to Save. Our admin will perform manual check in 1 x 24 hours.

Q : I already add my activity manually. Why my activity does not appear on the leaderboard?

All of the activities that are manually added to Aktivin will undergo a checking process by our admin to make sure that all data is valid and to check whether any activities have been recorded more than once (duplicates) / conducted simultaneously (overlaps). This process may take a maximum of 24 hours.

Your screenshot must have these indicators :
1. Activity date
2. Activity duration
3. Activity distance
4. Activity map (if it is outdoor activity)